Monday, November 13, 2006

KAAC update

I am 7 for 10 (nice combo) so far with the following acts confirmed for night 1 of the KROQ Acoustic Christmas:

Saosin (Pronounced SAY-OCEAN)

30 Seconds to Mars



Papa Roach

Fall Out Boy- This band fell out of no where to be playing this gig. They were booed out of Last Years Acoustic Christmas but brought back for this years? I don't get it. Hopefully Evanescence won't be the surprise guest

My Chemical Romance



Foo Fighters- I called for this band to headline night number 2. While I was still correct that they will be playing it throws me off for night number 2. It could mean that they are playing both nights one Acoustic (Night 2) and Non-Acoustic (Night 1)


birdman said...

1-800-ESP-RAUL for all your psychic needs!!!