Friday, September 07, 2007

My Move

so I stayed away from writing mainly because I have been so swamped with work and other problems outside of work.

as some of you know I have not been the happiest camper "there". I finally got a nibble from a company in Pasadena to come in to be their Computer Forensics Lab Technician. The Director of the group, who was also my Forensics Teacher at Cal State Fullerton, highly recommended me for the position as he has seen my forensic skills. The offer was made on Wednesday and I put my two weeks notice "there". My supervisor seemed someone shocked but doesn't really to mind me leaving as there are already two other people joining my former group. I learned a lot while I was "there", but the hours were brutal, we got the blame for everything that went wrong, our suggestions for improvement were not taken into consideration, and the possibility for advancement was not there...I really lost my passion for Information Technology over the past year...

I know that working in Forensics will bring that passion back as it is Technology mixed with investigative work.

I will miss hanging out with the Birdman as he understood my humor as well as the others who I enjoyed working with. For those who know her, I will be working literally 1 block away from D$ aka D-Nasty aka Denyse who was also "there" at one time.



the mama said...

you do what is best for audio... that is the main thing. best of luck and how exciting to be starting in a field that you love.

hey i work in arcadia. i will be just down the freeway~

ninjunkie951 said...

no way...that is really close! Brown bag it?

The Wrider said...

Dude! Congrats!!! That is so cool. I know you will do great in your new position! Wow - We have all really moved on and up haven't we??

birdman said...

apparently not all of us!!!

the mama said...

yes I normally brown bag it because I have no friends where I work.... and i sit and do homework.....

yes - I am a loser.

I am of Santa Anita, just north of Huntington.