Sunday, December 14, 2008

Almost Acoustic Christmas review

Quick Update...I heard Kanye West is the surprise guest for Night 2...totally blows as they coulda used him last night

Well, before I went to Acoustic Christmas I almost sold my ticket but chose to keep it.

Do I regret it? No not really, but the concert itself wasn't that spectacular.

I missed Hollywood Undead and Slightly Stoopid because well, I rather stay outside and watch interviews of bands. I listed to some of Hollywood Undead before I went just to see if I wanted to see them, and well, yeah...not so good...Sorry Mama can't give a review of them for your daughter.

Three Days Grace- Pretty good set. I wasn't expecting much from them but they had some good tracks and hard bass and drum lines. I hate everything about you was their big hit of the night.

Staind- I have ALWAYS liked Staind since back in like 99/00. Their sets are always good and this one was no let down. I thought it was weird that they didn't play Outside or Fade...then again they have been played on the radio so much that it was nice to hear the not so played out songs.

A.F.I. - My first time EVER seeing this band and I have to say they were THE BEST of the night. I thought it sucked that KROQ gave AFI a half hour set while Rise Against took an hour, then again all the teenyboppers like Rise Against right now. AFI played ALL their hits including one from 1993. The pit finally awoke during their set and everyone in the building was standing for AFI. They said they would be back during summer for a tour. During the Kevin and Bean interview there was a hint that they would be at the Weenie Roast. Silver and Cold, as well as The Leaving Part 2 live....totally awesome!

Stone Temple Pilots - I was really excited to see this band live as I had only seen Scott Weiland with Velvet Revolver. Into the second song of STP's set, my excitement turned to disappointment. STP just didn't look into it. First, Scott Weiland came out looking like The Undertaker from the WWE with a big black hat,black coat and a gray scarf. By the third song, Weiland was stripped down to a Mr. Furley type shirt, and black pants while sweating horribly. Between songs he would mumble about who knows what and the music would just start in the middle of him talking. Horrible horrible...My friend was watching from home and she texted me saying she is selling her STP tickets for New Years Eve based on this performance. Weiland needs to kick the drinking...

The Offspring - Was excited to see this band as well as I have never seen them before either. Umm...Did someone force Dexter to "Come Out and Play" (pun intended) because he looked like he did not want to be there. Noodles looked way more into it than Dexter. They played all their radio hits and while the crowd was going off, Dexter would just sing and stare into the crowd. Their set was so boring I left half way through their set.

My last acoustic christmas I saw NIN, System of a Down, and Korn and I think that concert was the best yet and nothing except for Radiohead back in August has compared.

Here are some pics from the show...i'll post more later


birdman said...

that sucks. I saw STP years ago at a weenie roast and they were fantastic.