Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I Hate the KILLERS!

ok..for sometime now I have disliked the Killers but not I can't stand them. After reading an interview with the Killers in Spin Magazine, Brandon Flowers is the cockiest mofo on the planet. The fame that the Killers have had simply went to his head. Hell 3 years ago they were playing gigs at a bar at the South by Southwest festival and now they are headling huge festivals...Ok Props for that but seriously, for Brandon Flowers say, "There are bands that are ok, bands that are good, and bands that are great, guess which one the Killers are in?" And, making comments on Panic at the Disco! and Fallout Boy saying he would like to beat the death out of those groups is uncalled for. While I have not been the biggest supporter of FOB, that is just wrong. Brandon also mentioned that Sam's Town is the greatest album released in the past 20 years. Come on...the album was just ok...it wasn't as good as their first album Hot Fuss...should have been called Hot Puss cause Flowers is a big puss. And for their fued with the Bravery. Brandon says the Bravery is riding on the coat tails of the killers copying their style. BRANDON....look at The Strokes, White Stripes, The Vines...whose coat tails are you riding? The Strokes are a WAY better band than yours and their heads aren't as far up their ass as yours is. I dispise your group now and hope they fall flat on its face...Your stupid little old western cowboy gimmick just isn't working either so you can just drop that.


birdman said...

dude - so many girls from TEEN BEAT agree with you!!!

the mama said...

my teen included! she LOVES the fall out boy...