Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Some crackers for my Whine (spelled intentionally wrong)

Due to work and the horrible communications that goes one at the M, when I go to sleep tonight, I will have been up a total of 41 hours straight. Why? Because I didn't want to miss a deploy that kept being pushed back and back and back from 6pm to 2am and finally at 6:00am I gave up on waiting and went to lay down; only to realize the sun was rising and I can't sleep when it the sun is out.

To those who are curious as to why I didn't go to sleep and let the phone wake me up...I would have probably received crap if I missed the call had i slept throught the ringing of my phone which I did before and is why I stayed up.

Ohh...Does anyone at the M care? Why yes they do...They cared that I didn't come in until 12 noon today and that 4 hours of productive time was lost.

Yup...Hope I don't offend anyone that has been at the M for a long long time but life at the M in my group BLOWS


the mama said...

that does blow.... no sarcastic comments from me.

birdman said...

how can anyone at the M be offended - we (at least in IT) have all been through it. I once too stayed up so as not to miss the call or be too sleepy (one or two hours sucks) finally fell asleep at about 4 am - went to work - asked everyone why no call and they all got a call saying nevermind - EXCEPT ME.. from my own now ex-boss. I do not believe it was an accident - now that's a pissa