Saturday, November 03, 2007

Bean's Back

Bean has started to blog again.. Bean's Blog

I am going to be in San Francisco for work this coming week so I'll try and take some cool pics while im up there

I see that Pasadena sign every day on the way to work...i usually get off at Santa Anita and drive down Colorado till i get there

take care


the mama said...

thanks for letting me know about bean being back.... so thrilled. i will get caught up at work this week.

i work of of santa anita just south of colorado. next time you are at the stop light, look south and i work just passed the railroad tracks next to the santa anita animal hospital.

the mama said...

Ok - i am gonna share my secret to avoiding the mess on the 210 from the 605 to Santa Anita. Get off at Mountain... it will dump you onto Central which runs parallel to the freeway. Take it to ends at Mayflower, make a right and head north. You will hit Colorado, make a left...

I am not sure if it a true short cut, but it does shave a few minutes off in the morning and less headache than bumper to bumper traffic.