Friday, August 11, 2006

Damn those Terrorists

Hey all,

Still here in San Francisco. Looks like I will not be flying home tomorrow after all because with the transportation I have going to the Airport, I would not get there in time since this Terror Alert messed things up.

If you haven't heard by now, the US is under an Orange Terror Alert level cause of some jackholes in London who were planning on making explosives to resemble drinks. Early word was that the terrorists were planning on blowing up the planes over New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. The Govenator Arrrrnold placed the National Guards at the airports up here along with bomb sniffing dogs and police men with rifles. The BART which I talked about on my last post has police men with bomb sniffing dogs searching random people as well. What a first time flying experience.

I went to Fisherman's Wharf last night and ate dinner with some people that i'm taking my class with. We had fun but the food really sucked. We ended up bagging it and giving it to a homeless guy.

The weather is really nice over here..around 70 degrees and overcast.

Since there is no longer a flight for me I will be driving into So Cal tonight.


birdman said...

I can't believe you gave the homeless crappy food... they are human too!! You might as well have given them muffin tops!!

Since they are so intent on searching for bombs, etc. now is the perfect time for you to bring down some good devil weed!!!

have a safe drive biaytch!!!