Thursday, July 27, 2006

Best Time in a Long Time...includes Golfing with Playboy Playmates

What's up peeople.

I'm in one hell of a good mood right now. I just returned home from a Christmas Party. Yes a Christmas in July party. Why did they call it that? I have no idea but I will tell you about it.

I got these passes about a month ago and have been waiting eagerly for this day. The party was for AM 570 Sports Radio which is host to the Loose Cannons (Vic the Brick, Michael Thompson, and someone else) and Goodtimes featuring Matt "Money" Smith (formerly of KROQ), Joe Grande (formerly of Power 106), and Wayne Cook (former college football player). Party started around Noon time and ended around 7pm. My cousin and I got there around 1pm. Walking in we were greeted by a red carpet, given our badges and directed to a private area at Dave and Buster's-Ontario Mills Mall.

There we were treated to all the free soft drinks including water, and food that we wanted. After being there about 3 minutes my name is picked from a raffle and I win this "Bight University" shirt which is a television show coming out on the Discovery Channel. We soon made friends with the promotions / production assistants there for the radio show. They kept coming up to inviting us to join in on the Daytona 500 racing game as well as virtual golf to win some prizes. We were given game cards ( i still have 6) to play with and I came in 7th or 8th each time I played. My cousin did a lot better than I did mainly chalking up 2nd place finishes

Onto virtual golf where I kicked his ass. Up first was Wayne Cook from the good times show and he smacked the ball 287 yards. Guess who's next? I get up there and hit the first ball ehh 90 yards...My second shot...200 yards. Not enough to beat Wayne but good enough to put me in 4th place overall.

My cousin...his furthest shot...74 yards...Keep in mind he is 23 6'2 or so, and about 250 pounds..Jerk

We go back and watch some more of the broadcast and the promotions team comes back half hour later and asks wanna play more virtual golf. My cousin was in the bathroom so I went without him...Here's where it gets good. I get there and there are 4 Playboy Playmates sitting down talking to me while I wait my turn. I could have hit that ball 300 yards without a club if you know what I mean. I ended up in 3rd place in this round. After I shot, a 6 foot tall blonde playmate gets up and is like I'm going to swing. So she starts playing golf too!

See cousin, sometimes you just have to squeeze those turtle heads in and you wouldn't have missed this....jerk

My cousin ended up playing a game on the air called the goodtimes gauntlet and won a basketball jersey..hat..and some other crap...Joe Grande clicked with my cousin because they both wax their eyebrows...Money and Wayne called both of them homos on the air and in front of around 250 people...haha jerk

See now I got screwed out of a kick ass prize 3 times. There was a trivia game and I knew the answer. The radio show would pick 3 people to guess the trivia each hour. First hour I was 5th in line and they only got the first 3. Second hour I was 3rd in line but I didn't know someone was holding a spot so I ended up 4th. Third hour I'm 3rd again and the jerk that was first guessed the correct answer. He won a digital camera, a Gas card, and a surprise trip to Las Vegas..ARGH!!!

I ended up being on the air at the end of the Good Times show complaining how I got screwed out of that prize. Joe Grande said..hey you just go screwed again Cut his Mic...oooooooooh went the crowd and so did I. Money said ahh for your troubles we are going to give you a Ray Charles CD...hmmm Ray Charles CD or Vegas/Digital Camera/Gas Card...yeah..give me the CD...jerk...

All in all this was a good time.


The Wrider said...

You really did get screwed out of that big prize. Sorry, man. The Six Degrees of Canadian Bacon can make the jerks disappear if need be. Sounds like you had a great time though! You are always going to cool events...