Sunday, July 09, 2006

Everyday is exactly the same

Well fellow bloggers i'm back. Not that many of you knew I was probably even gone nor cared but I am anyways.

Nothing really exciting lately...Two months away from my wedding date and im totally stressed out with work and planning this wedding. Its fun though but I can't wait until its over and my fiance and I are basking in the sun in Hawaii.

This past Friday I went to see Nine Inch Nails in concert.It was a good show and was pretty impressed with the opening band Bahaus (I spelled it wrong). NIN always a good band to see but I think I may of had more fun when I saw them at the KROQ acoustic Christmas. I think it could have been because I was literally 5 feet from the stage. I did hear some of my favorite tunes by them including: Something I can Never Have, Hurt, Burn, Wish. They played closer as well but that song is really really mainstream and its kinda played out in a way. I wanted to hear Reptile but they didn't play it to my disappointment. That will probably be my last concert for sometime unless I win some tickets from KROQ due to the impending marriage.

I decided on going back to school. I will be attending Cal State Fullerton and will be taking Computer Forensics. They say there are 3 jobs for every person out there who has knowledge in this. I like my current job but still, forensics is just awesome.

I've been so exhausted lately and don't know why. I'm always tired, and just feel like the energy is sucked out of me. It could be caused by the little bit of sleep I get, poor eating habits, or just pushing myself to the brink of collapse. What do you think it is?

I am a huge Pro Wrestling fan and yes I know its fake but I was super excited that ECW was coming back. What a total disappointment it has been thus far. ECW was the best damn wrestling promotion from 1994-1999 until they hit financial difficulties forcing them to close down. WWE (formerly WWF) bought them out and brought back the brand this past year. What a let down. It's watered down, not extreme, no fan involvement, too corporate. F Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Thanks for ruining something that meant a lot to many individuals.


D.O.M. Dan said...

Welcome back Raul. Where the hell have you been? I read Bean's Blog daily including everyone's comments. I usually follow the links to everyone else's blog just to check them out. Hope you don't mind my dropping by for a look. You get about as many people commenting on yours as I do on mine. That shouldn't be a deterrent from expressing one's self. Later.

The Wrider said...

Now that I know you have a blog I will be reading and posting. I have several that I read daily and I find them very entertaining and enlightening.